News Category : NEWS

News : Notice regarding DATA PRIVACY PLEDGE on on 28th January between 11 am and 3 pm.
Published On 27/1/2022





Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-27


Notice No: SNGGDCG/11

Date: 27/01/2022



As directed, this is for the information of all concerned that tomorrow on 28th January, DATA PRIVACY DAY will be observed to protect data-loss and data-theft. Between 11am and 3pm, ALL teachers, officials and employees from every higher education institute SHALL visit website – and take DATA PRIVACY PLEDGE. Click the link - Choose the language - Fill up your name - Read aloud the pledge - Click I ACCEPT button - Download Pledge certificate. Let us fight for a CYBER SAFE BENGAL - CYBER SAFE INDIA.





Sister Nibedita Government General

Degree College for Girls