News Category : UPTODATE

News : Kanyashree Prakalpa (2022-23) related notice.
Published On 12/11/2022




Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-27


Notice No: SNGGDCG/164

Date: 11/11/2022



This is to inform that the unmarried students (Semester-1) whose dates of birth fall between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005 are eligible for applying K2 (under Kanyashree Prakalpa-2022-23).  

Those who have not availed Kanyashree in their respective schools, have to apply afresh through their respective Head of Departments mentioning valid reason for not having Kanyashree in Schools.

Those who already used to get K1 in schools and have not availed or applied for K2 in their respective schools, have to transfer their Kanyashree IDs from their Schools and submit the same to the Kanyashree committee (at the Dept. of Physics).

Those who already have availed or applied for K2 in their respective schools need not apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa in college.

Students have to submit their names, DOB (Date of Birth), Kanyashree Id (who already used to get K1 in schools) or valid reason for not having Kanyashree in Schools (fresh applicants) to their respective Head of the Departments within 15 November, 2022(11:59 PM) in the format given below. 






Valid reason for not having Kanyashree in Schools (fresh applicants)/ Kanyashree ID (those who have not applied or availed K2 in school)













Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya


Sister Nibedita Government General

Degree College for Girls


Sri Bhaskar Das


Kanyashree Prakalpa

Sister Nibedita Government General

Degree College for Girls