News Category : UPTODATE

News : This is for the information of all interested students that the Railway Concession Form will be issued on and from 25th April,2023(12 noon to 2 pm) on Tuesday and Friday of every week from the Students Section.
Published On 24/4/2023




Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-27


Notice No: SNGGDCG/76

Date: 24/04/2023



This is for the information of all interested students that the Railway Concession Form will be issued on and from 25th April,2023(12 noon to 2 pm) on Tuesday and Friday of every week from the Students Section.

Rules and Regulations for Availing Students’ Railway Concession Form

  1. Interested student must submit the photo copy of the Receipt of Admission to current semester to the Students’ Section.
  2. No student is entitled to avail more than one Concession Form in a particular month.
  3. Students willing to undertake the to and fro journey ticket must purchase the ticket positively within 3 (three) days from the issuance of the Concession Form by the Students’ Section, followed by submission of the photo copy of the relevant purchased ticket to Students’ Section.

In case any student fails to abide this rule, no further Railway Concession Forms will be issued to the said student as per strict order from the Railway Authorities.






Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya


Sister Nibedita Government General

Degree College for Girls