News Category : NEWS

News : Notice for guardian meeting: Dept. of Geography
Published On 1/9/2017

 Sister Nibedita Govt. General Degree College for Girls

Department of Geography


Notice for guardian meeting


 A guardian meeting for the geography 2nd year & 3rd year honours students will be held on 7.09.17 at 12.30pm in the Department of Geography to discuss about the Field Study at Chalsa and Lataguri of Jalpaiguri district from 23.10.17 to 31.10.17 and the performance of the students. Guardians are requested to attend the meeting with the students positively.


                                                                                                                    Sayantani Mukhopadhyay

Associate professor & Head

                                                                                                                        Department of Geography

                                                                                                                    Sister Nibedita Govt. General

                                                                                                                  Degree College for Girls