News Category : NEWS

News : AISHE Data (Teachers Information)
Published On 6/2/2018


All faculty members are hereby requested to contact ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION (AISHE) Nodal officer, Bholanath Pakhira, Assistant Professor of Chemistry for checking of his or her data (TEACHER INFORMATION) in the AISHE portal.

Data checking and correction date and timings:

06/02/2018, Tuesday, 12 pm to 5 pm

08/02/2018, Thursday day: 12 pm 5 pm

09/02/2018, Friday: 12 pm to 5 pm

Venue:  Chemistry Lab, SNGGDCG

Data to be checked/provided:

*Name of the Teacher (as per Aadhar)

*Designation    *Gender   *Aadhar Number

*Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

*Social Category   *Religious Community

*PWD   * Nature of Appointment

*Selection Mode

*Date of Joining the Institution

*Date of joining teaching profession

*Highest Qualification Additional /Eligibility Qualification

*Broad Discipline Group Category

*Broad Discipline Group

*Number of years spent exclusively in other than teaching job

*Job Status   *Date of change in status    *Email    *Mobile (as per Aadhar)


Note: Most of the data is already filled so it will take hardly 5 min.