News Category : UPTODATE Published On 20/1/2020 Download
Sister Nibedita Govt. General. Degree College for Girls NOTICE Notice No.:- SNGGDCG/25 Date: 20/01/2020 It is hereby informed to the faculty and non-teaching staff of our college that All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2019-20 has been started and it is compulsory to upload the information to the portal in a particular format within due date. For this purpose, please provide the information in the given format. Date to be uploaded: 1. *Students data (by HOD ) 2. **Teachers Information ( by individual teacher) 3. Non-teaching consolidated data ( by Head Assistant) 4. Financial data (by Cashier) 5. Scholarship data (by Convener of Scholarship committee ) Note: *For student data, please collect the form and take assist from student section. **For faculty information kindly fill the google form (Regular as well as guest faculty). The link of this form is available in our website. (Click here to open the form.) For any clarification please contact AISHE Nodal officer: Dr. Bholanath Pakhira, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry Last date for submission of data in given format: 29/01/2020 and kindly submit it to Student section.
Sd/- AISHE OIC,SNGGDCG NodalOfficer AISHE Code - C-52937 |