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Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for GirlsAffiliated to University of Calcutta    |    (Recognised under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956)

An Institution for Undergraduate Studies in Science & Humanities
Under the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal

Research Project

PI Co-PI Funding Agency Project Amount Project Duration Project Status Project Fellow Details

Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic Exposure to Air Pollution on Respiratory Health and Oxidative Damage among the Traffic Cops in West Bengal: A Multicenter, Meteorological Matrix-Based Evaluation.

Dr. Atanu Saha

1. Dr. Subhasis Sahu

2. Prof. Dr. Krishna Roy

Department of Science and technology and Biotechnology,

Govt of W.B.

Rs 14,92,585/- 3 years Ongoing

1. Arindam Dey, JRF

Date of Joing: 01/09/2018

2. One Project Assistant

Date of Joing: 01/09/2018